Even though it’s Winter in Poland, we were quite successful in combined harvesting. Instead of wheat or rye, we got money for our research. We were awarded 5 minigrants (PLN 30.000 each) by the BioS Priority Research Area – structural and translational biology, which is one of seven areas identified at the Jagiellonian University in connection with the implementation of the Excellence Initiative – Research University program.
The awarded grants are:
Anna Grochot-Przęczek - Proteomic and lipidomic analyses of the aorta during abdominal aortic aneurysm formation in mice
Monika Jakubowska - Copper misbalance and impaired exocrine pancreatic functions - ex vivo analyses of the Atp7b toxic milk mouse model
Wojciech Krzeptowski - The role of Hmox1 protein in G-quadruplexes processing - ChIP-based studies
Witold Nowak - Hoxb5+ endothelial cells - do they regenerate the endothelium?
Aleksandra Piechota-Polańczyk - The role of heme-oxygenase 1 in the statin-induced acute kidney injury